About the project
Malmö Tillsammans translates to Malmö Together and is a partnership initiative by Malmö Ideella, Malmö Stad, Sensus Studieförbund and NyföretagarCentrum Öresund. Our partners represent the civil society/nonprofit sector, the business sector and the municipality. We aim to create models for collaboration between the different sectors, to facilitate a better and more efficient way of working towards a sustainable city with strengthened citizen participation. The initiative also wants to contribute to increased employment, sustainable housing and reduced segregation in Malmö.
Malmö Tillsammans is forming a platform to collect ideas and dreams from the citizens of Malmö and to provide help and support to make them come true, since we believe that the engagemant of citizens is important when it comes to dealing with local or social issues.
The initiative tests a number of models and tools to achieve a more sustainable Malmö, such as participatory budgeting, local economic analysis, incubators for ideas and innovations and many more.
Malmö Tillsammans is centered around Östervärn, Rosengård and Persborg in Malmö.
Contact us at info@malmotillsammans.se for more information.